Dear Neeta and Saravanan,
You guys rock simply… To all, who care to have some great professional and honest service in the field of real estate, the buck stops here with Neeta and Sarav.. Well, the two traits that are usually attached with any middlemens – ‘greed and deceit’ – are completely absent here.
Amazing to say the least! No request from the client is unreasonable, I have never heard you guys say ‘No Sir, it can’t be done’. And the service is done with a smile and lots of pleasantness.
You people work tirelessly to make the customer happy. As my seller and now good friend GD has mentioned, it will be a misnomer to call you guys as agents or brokers. Simply for the fact that you have done away with all the Clichés that are associated with those names. If the Indian cricket team is number one team in the world, your team is the Numero Uno in finding the right property for sale in Chennai.
Keep up the good work and make many more like me happy.
God bless you both.